Stoke Newington Town Hall Weddings
Stoke Newington Town Hall weddings are always a joy to photograph as it’s one of London’s most photogenic town halls. With the lovely dark wood panelled walls and rich orange velvet drapes, it provides a stunning backdrop for your wedding ceremony. If I had to pick a favourite London town Hall, it’s probably this one. I’ve photographed a number of weddings at Stoke Newington and love how the light changes at different times of day and different times of the year. The main council chamber has floor to ceiling windows on either side which flood the room with light, which bounces off the wood giving the whole room a beautiful, warm glow.
Stoke Newington Town Hall has two spaces for your wedding, although I have only ever photographed weddings in the Council Chamber. All the photos shown here are from weddings in this room. The assembly room is a much larger space, and is currently unavailable due to maintenance ( correct as of February 2023). To find out more about having your wedding at Stoke Newington Town Hall, read on.

Some useful information for Stoke Newington Town Hall Weddings
- Stoke Newington Town Hall falls under Hackney Venues. You can either get married in one of their venues, or have a registrar come to one of the approved venues, of which there are plenty.
- What is the capacity? The Council Chamber seats 83 – 50 on the ground floor and 33 on the balcony
- What does a ceremony at Stoke Newington Town Hall cost? It varies but is around the £350-£450 mark, which does not include the registrar fees.
- Great outdoor, off road space for your exit/confetti.
- Backs on to Clissold Park, maybe London’s only town hall that has a park right next to it (don’t quote me on this!)
- There’s a great pub directly across the road, The Rose & Crown, which is a good spot for guests to go for a drink before your ceremony. Or for you to head to for your first pint as newlyweds, which my couple Siân and Craig did before heading off to Clapton Country club for their wedding reception.

History of Stoke Newington Town Hall
When making these town hall venue pages, I wanted to provide insightful information from a photographer’s perspective, but also share some information about the buildings themselves, given that they all have such rich, London history. Stoke Newington Town Hall was built in the 1930’s and is a beautiful example of Art Deco design. It was completed in 1937, just two years before the Second World War. As the war approached, heavy bombing was expected, and many steps were taken in preparation. Blackout, for example, was enforced across the country so that landmarks could not easily be spotted by the bombers. Authorities were concerned that their shiny, brand spanking new town hall, which was a light coloured stone, would be a target or a navigation tool for the bomber’s planes. Their ingenious solution to this was to camoflage the building. They did this by painting swirling patterns in earthy green and brown tones across the front of the brand new building. Amazingly, the plan seems to have worked, as a number of buildings nearby suffered significant damage, yet the town hall did not. The paint is still there today, so next time you pass the town hall, take a look and impress your friends with this little history lesson!

Contact details and address for Stoke Newington Town Hall Weddings
Stoke Newington Town Hall
186 Stoke Newington Church Street
N16 0JL
0208 356 5505
Contact them about your wedding here

Click on the photos below to see Some Stoke Newington Town Hall Weddings

Jeannine & Anthony
This spring wedding took place at Stoke Newington Town Hall & The Cellars pub in Islington.

Siân & Craig
This autumn wedding took place at Stoke Newington Town hall with a reception at Clapton Country Club.
OMG Lyndsey these are truly wonderful.We’ve just watched it together in awe. Wow! You are so clever.
Jeannine & Anthony, married at Stoke Newington Town Hall
You’ve really captured the magic of the day….and we get to relive it. Thank you so much. We had very high expectations of what we would receive from you. You have surpassed our expectations ten fold.
We are both aghast at the quality, character and number of photos you’ve provided.
I don’t quite know how you manage to capture so much… on your own. Absolutely outstanding.
Thank you so very much.
More London Town Halls
If you’re planning your wedding at Stoke Newington Town Hall and would like to chat to me about your photography, please get in touch.